Thursday, July 30, 2009

Review for Zygor and Dugi's WoW Guides

Review of -

Dugi's Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide


Zygor In-Game Guide

Now we will compare these two WoW guides in several categories. The first one will be Value of each product:

Zygor's WoW guide has a starter guide fore every class from both Alliance and Horde. Very in depth. With these quest helpers you will know exactly where to go to level as fast as possible. Note- Zygor has two packages one for every race in Alliance and another for every race in Horde.

Dugi's Guide has a Guide for Alliance and Horde as well. However Dugi's guide includes both Horde and Alliance in one package. This might not be for everyone, since some people play only one faction. Zygor has two packages one for each faction, which is very convenient. Because of this small inconvenience I have to give the slight upper hand to Zygor, just because the extra option to buy for only one faction is nice to have.

Score: Dugi 4.5/5 vs Zygor 5/5 for Value

Next we move to how well both play in-game. Yes you heard me right, these guides are in the games so that you don't have to Alt-Tab out to read the guide. In fact both of these guides have arrows that point to your next objective and both detect when you have completed an objective and are ready to move onto the next one. The map mods that you can easily install (no matter which guide you choose) really are the best mods on the market.

The best part is that both are completely legit. You won't get banned for using either of their mods.

Both are equal in usability.

Score: Dugi 5/5 vs Zygor 5/5 for Usability

How complete are both guides?

Both guides will show you how to get from 1-80 for any class. And both include only quests all the classes can do, instead of just quests most classes can do like some guides. Both have guides for all the talents for every class. With either guide you will know exactly which way to spend your points to get the most out of your chosen class. It's these tiny details that separate pros from everyone else. But, unlike everyone else you won't have to experiment to find out what works best.

Nope, becuase two very dedicated teams of people who are competing against each other for your businuess make sure they both keep their guides as up to date as possible, so that they can get you as a customer. So who wins in the end? You.

Zygor comes with a very complete and detailed guide to getting your Nether Drake Mount. Dugi has compiled massive amounts of information about PvP. The best mods, and strategies that only a few people know about. The tiniest things decide who wins, and with all of this information, you'll know exactly what you need to change in order to win.

Finally Zygor has included a massive resource to the newest class in World of Warcaft. The extremely popular Death Knight. Everything you could ever want to know about the class is here, compiled in one place for you.

Score: Dugi 5/5 vs Zygor 5/5 for Completeness

So to recap here are the catagories and what they scored-

Value - Zy-5/5 Du-4.5/5
Usability - Zy-5/5 Du-5/5
Completeness - Zy- 5/5 Du- 5/5

While Zygor scored slightly higher then Dugi, it was only on a small detail, that I believe should be mentioned. No matter which one you choose you really can't go wrong with either of these two excellent guides.

Direct Link to Dugi's Ultimate WoW Guides. Price: 97.00$'s for Full Membership

Direct Link to Zygor In Game WoW Guides Price: 50.00$'s For Alliance or Horde

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Best WoW Power Leveling Guides on the Internet!

Before I show you where to find these guides, I would like to tell you about the process I went through to find the best WoW Power leveling guides.

Like a lot of people on the internet these days, I am an avid MMORPG player. I have played Wow for some time and a very special thought struck me. The World of Warcraft environment is massive! So large, that most people have no idea where to go, or how to get there. So, I began to look around for something to help. What I needed was some WoW power leveling guides.

What I mostly found was that guides on the internet start off with some crappy ASCII art and quickly go downhill from there. Some of the guides summarize getting from 20-30 in 3 short paragraphs. I was astounded at how bad these were, so I looked for something better. And I have finally found two WoW power leveling guides that can and will help you.

They are not undetailed or written by an eleven year old in Taiwan. Nope, these WoW power leveling guides have actual mods for the game that can point you towards the next objective. But, don’t worry these mods are not hacks or glitches. They are completely legit and you won’t get banned for using them.

You won’t believe how easy it is to accomplish everything you need when you know exactly where to go and what to do when you get there. The arrow can point you in the right direction and tell you how far until you get there. Both of these WOW power leveling guides can tell when you finish your current objective and will automatically update themselves.

Now these are not just guides for one class, oh no, these WoW power leveling guides support every class in the game and every race. Even Death Knights. They will show you the best quests to take so that you can get from 1-80 in only weeks or even less! But they don’t stop there. They have guides on how to maximize use of the Auction House, guides for Talents. Every facet of the game is covered in these amazing WoW power leveling guides. The first guide can be found here. Its Dugis Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide.

The second Guide can be found here: Zygor Guides
Both are excellent guides, and you need to go look at both.